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Watched Pet Sematary 1989 again recently and was quite struck by the face of Judd Crandall aka Fred Gwynne aka Herman Munster. Those Zelda scenes still creep me out. Quite often I need a bit of escapism from this crazy old techno future we find ourselves in and a slightly crappy 80’s/90’s movie seems to hit just the right spot. I’m working with oils at the moment and this horrific thing keeps happening whereby I think something’s starting to look pretty decent so I take a photo.
Close ups crops of the Shelby brothers from Peaky Blinders. I painted these lads in oils & colour pencil on paper. I think I’ve finally excepted that you can quite reasonably paint with oils on paper in a sketchbook. Sometimes it can feel like a big block of resistance - the idea that we have to stretch, prime and prepare a surface or canvas for working with oil. It’s not really the case.
Little oil studies of elderly folk. I seem to be quite drawn to studying older faces. Cracks and wrinkles, a gnarlier texture seems more absorbing to me. These painting are no more than 5 or so inches tall and intended to be quick studies I don’t spend too much time over. It’s kinda nice to have a sheet of little studies..when you get stuck on one or need to wait for something to dry you can jump across to another and keep engaged with painting.
I can see there’s still a lot of work to do on this. It’s a really small piece so the hair on Newt is particularly stressing me out. I will probably put it aside for a while and return to it later. Couldn’t stop thinking that I’m making Ripley look like Michael Jackson. Related Posts Small Gouache People Village Elder
Mar 12, 2022
Related Posts Oil Studies of Elders Small Gouache People
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